Ruth Harvey, our dietician is available on Tuesday mornings.
Pod&Pea Nutrition was set up so that Mums and Dads could access unbiased, evidenced based nutrition advice for themselves and their children. With today’s easy access to information and social media networks it is hard to know whether what you read is relevant or useful to you. My workshops and consultations are bespoke to you, allowing me to give you practical advice that fits with your preferences, lifestyle and health needs.
Whether you are suffering from gut issues, want to optimise your nutrition for a sporting event or have a poor relationship with food after years of dieting and want to find out about Intuitive Eating, I can help!
IBS and Gut Health
Do you suffer from any of the following: abdominal pain, bloating, wind, diarrhoea, constipation, indigestion reflux?
I can help you determine the cause or if you already have a diagnosis I can help you manage your symptoms and gain a better quality of life. IBS is not “just IBS” it is a frustrating and debilitating condition which you do not have to put up with. I can offer nutritional advice to help manage your symptoms and if required help you follow a low FODMAP diet in order to pinpoint foods that may be making your symptoms worse. I have completed training with King’s College London and am qualified to support you with a low FODMAP diet.
I have been a gastrointestinal dietitian for much of my career and I believe that a healthy gut is one of the most important things to contribute to overall health and wellbeing. Did you know that your gut talks to your brain? I can optimise your diet to ensure you are feeding your gut microbiome the right food.